California's Top Family Law Attorneys
Walzer Melcher's Typical Client
The typical client of Walzer Melcher & Yoda LLP (aka Walzer Melcher) is a business owner, executive, professional athlete, celebrity, high net worth individual or trust fund beneficiary going through a complex divorce in California.
We represent clients in divorce who need specialized personal legal assistance and want to avoid unnecessary conflict. We are among the top family law attorneys in Los Angeles and are widely known for handling large, complex divorce litigation.
We have trial attorneys who specialize in family law.
The partners at Walzer Melcher LLP regularly teach other family law attorneys on best practices for litigating a divorce in California, having presented hundreds of continuing education programs. We have also published numerous books and articles on California family law.
If you have concerns over a complex family law matter, contact us today.
Interstate and International Family Law Experts
The partners at Walzer Melcher LLP consult with other family lawyers worldwide on California family law matters involving multi-national couples and interstate disputes. We have extensive experience on international family law matters where one party is connected to California and the other party is elsewhere, such as international custody disputes and international support issues.
We are
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Specialists

Walzer Melcher LLP also handles appeals and writ petitions from California family law judgments and orders. This is the highest level of practice and requires a deep understanding of California family law. The acclaimed attorneys at Walzer Melcher LLP have appeared in several Courts of Appeal and California Supreme Court cases involving cutting-edge family law matters.
Attend A Seminar Soon!
Peter M. Walzer and Christopher C. Melcher frequently provide continuing legal education and seminars for the State and Local Bar Associations, as well as other attorney’s groups such as AAML. Take a look at our calendar of upcoming engagements.