Charitable Partners
Charitable Partners
Our Team Strives to Give Back to Our Community

The Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law (The Center) was founded in the early 1980s by Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Bar and Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles. Since its inception, the Center has served as a cornerstone of family law and domestic violence assistance for low-income persons in California.

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which advances one of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers’ most important goals: to protect children and families. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide financial assistance to organizations, by way of grants, in order to help families, parents, and children adversely affected by the breakup of the family unit. Our firms founding partner Peter M. Walzer is a lifetime member.

Levitt & Quinn Family Law Center provides family law legal services for poor and low-income people who have nowhere else to go. Their attorneys provide legal representation at court hearings and trials; and provide legal advice and counsel in cases impacting the safety and well being of children. Levitt & Quinn’s attorneys practice in key areas of family law. We are a proud sponsor of their annual Stand For Justice Gala.

Feeding America is a United States-based nonprofit organization that is a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks that feed more than 46 million people through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other community-based agencies. Our firm has been a proud contributor to the San Diego chapter.

We’ve also volunteered for the Los Angeles chapter at their regional food bank (as seen below).

In December 2016, the San Fernando Valley Bar helped “Blanket the Homeless” by distributing blankets to several Valley homeless shelters. Volunteer attorneys were also on hand to provide free legal assistance to the needy.

Urban Partners Los Angeles is a 501(c)(3) devoted to improving the lives of people who live in the Koreatown / Westlake sections of the city of Los Angeles. They teach English to adults, help kids improve math skills, and distribute groceries to those in need. They have given out more than 150,000 bags of food since 2008! They also offer exercise and nutrition classes, organize field trips for children in their neighborhoods, and bring together members of the community and civic leaders.
We’ve sponsored their Without Limits program which is dedicated to providing after-school tutoring for underprivileged children. We’ve also sponsored The Creators Project which aimed to transform the First Unitarian Church basement, where tutoring is held, into a space conducive for children to learn, grow, and harness creativity and imagination. You can see before and after pictures below.