About Our Top Family Law Firm
About Our Top Family Law firm
Ranked Band 1 Top Family Law Firm in California
Walzer Melcher LLP is one of the most respected top family law firms in California and always protects your best interest. We have a national reputation for providing the best and highest level of service to our clients. Family law experts Peter M. Walzer and Christopher C. Melcher have each served as Chair of The State Bar of California Family Law Section (FlexCom), which currently has over 3,800 members, making it the largest family law organization in California. Mr. Walzer and Mr. Melcher are also Fellows of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), an organization of the top divorce attorneys in the country, and Peter served as the AAML President from 2018-2019. Mr. Walzer and Mr. Melcher have published over 100 articles and books, and have presented over 200 seminars to other family lawyers across the country, on California divorce law and premarital agreement practice. Walzer Melcher LLP was named Best Family Law Firm in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Band 1 in California by Chambers and Partners High Net Worth Lawyers.
About our Community
High Net Worth Family Law Experience
Walzer Melcher LLP has handled some of the largest divorce cases and premarital agreements in California. We have represented extremely wealthy individuals, such as business owners, celebrities, and executives. Through years of experience handling these types of cases, we understand how to protect businesses and other property holdings in a divorce.
We also have in-depth knowledge of tax laws relating to divorce. We are committed to resolving divorce cases by settlement. When that cannot be achieved, we provide strong and effective representation at trial. Our firm is a seven-lawyer team, all of whom are dedicated to the practice of California family law. We bring in additional attorneys as independent contractors when needed for specialized knowledge in areas such as the division of retirement plans or industry-specific issues.
Our Los Angeles based top family law firm is located in Woodland Hills, California. We appear in Los Angeles Superior Court and Ventura Superior Court for litigated divorce cases at the trial court level. If your matter is pending in another California trial court, we will be happy to give you a referral to a local attorney. We handle family law appeals and writs in all of the Courts of Appeal in California. We prepare premarital agreements under California law for clients all over the world. For instance, we assist non-California residents prepare a premarital agreement if the parties plan to live in California during the marriage.
We use the best practices in the legal industry to handle your matter efficiently and maintain your confidential information. We have quietly represented high-profile clients and celebrities in divorce and premarital agreements in Los Angeles by using various techniques to avoid media attention.
Best Family Law Attorneys in California
1. Our Partners
2. Our Experience
3. Our Hard Work
4. Our Dedication
5. Our passion
6. Our Accessibility