Expert Witness & Consulting with Attorneys
Our family law experts at Walzer Melcher provide expert witness consulting services to other family law attorneys regarding complex issues and disputes with clients.
Expert Witness & Consulting with Attorneys
Our family law experts at Walzer Melcher provide expert witness consulting services to other family law attorneys regarding complex issues and disputes with clients.
Walzer Melcher Legal Service
Expert Witness & Consulting with Attorneys
As leaders in the family law community, other divorce attorneys worldwide call the family law experts at acclaimed family law firm Walzer Melcher LLP to consult on their most complex matters that involve a Los Angeles divorce or other California family law issue. Our top family law attorneys regularly serve as consultants on California family law issues, such as litigation over California premarital agreements, California post-marital agreements, breach of fiduciary duty, the characterization of property as community property or separate property, transmutations, Family Code section 2640 reimbursements, equitable apportionment, child custody, extraordinary high wage earner rebuttals to the child support guideline, and income available for support.
Walzer Melcher Consulting Services for Attorneys
Walzer Melcher LLP also provides consulting services to other attorneys on conflicts of law, where there is a question whether the law of one state or country applies versus California in international divorces or interstate divorces. These are the most difficult issues in divorce because actions may be pending in several jurisdictions where the couple lived or owns property. It requires coordination between lawyers in different states or countries, sometimes in different languages and across different time zones, with legal systems unlike California. We are familiar with treaties like the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the Hague Abduction Convention), the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters (the Hague Service Convention), and the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (the Hague Support and Maintenance Convention).
Trial Attorney Specialists

Because the top family law attorneys at Walzer Melcher LLP are recognized trial attorneys, other family law firms will hire Walzer Melcher LLP to take the lead as trial counsel for complex divorce cases in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California. Some of these cases are too large for a small firm to handle, so Walzer Melcher LLP provides litigation support and representation in court to complete the trial team.
Expert Witnesses
Finally, our family law experts at Walzer Melcher LLP provide opinions as expert witnesses on the standard of care in legal malpractice actions involving family lawyers. We assess the work performed by the family law attorney and render an opinion whether it was below the standard of care, whether the attorney breached the fiduciary duty owed to clients, and whether the fees charged were reasonable or conscionable.