Bill and Melinda Gates’ Celebrity Divorce Could Change Their Foundation

Article Title:

"Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce Could Change This One Thing About Their Foundation"

Description: J.D. interviewed California celebrity divorce lawyer Christopher C. Melcher regarding Bill and Melinda Gates’ celebrity divorce and possible changes to their foundation.
Bill and Melinda Gates' Celebrity Divorce Could Change Their Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates' Celebrity Divorce Could Change Their Foundation Explains Celebrity Divorce Lawyer Christopher C. Melcher
Publication: Nicki Swift
Publication Date: May 2, 2021
Journalist:  J.D.

Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview:  Celebrity Divorce, High Net Worth Divorce

Legal Expert: Christopher C. Melcher

Quote: “They may want to change its name to reflect that they are no longer a couple,” top family law attorney Christopher C. Melcher said of a big possible change that they might make. And, because of their divorce, Melcher thinks that Bill and Melinda may want to forge different roles in the Gates foundation moving forward. “Because they were not able to continue as marital partners, it remains to be seen if they can continue leading their foundation,” he explained, adding that “they may find it easier to have separate roles or endeavors within the foundation.”