Celebrity Divorce Lawyer Explains Halle Berry’s Child Support
Article Title:
"Divorce Lawyer Breaks Down Halle Berry's Child Support Situation"
Description: Kathleen Walsh interviewed Los Angeles celebrity divorce lawyer Peter M. Walzer regarding Halle Berry’s child support situation after her celebrity divorce from Gabriel Aubry.

Publication: Nicki Swift
Publication Date: March 26, 2021
Journalist: Kathleen Walsh
Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview: Child Support, Celebrity Divorce
Legal Expert: Peter M. Walzer
Quote: “The algebraic formula that child support is based is gender neutral. If you elect to have a child with someone who earns less than you do, you will end up paying child support,” top family law attorney Peter M. Walzer explained to Nicki Swift. “In California, child support is based principally on the relative incomes of the parents, and the amount of time they each spend with the child. The underlying principle behind the child support formula, is that the child should share the same lifestyle as the wealthier parent.”
Complete Article: Celebrity Divorce Lawyer Explains Halle Berry’s Child Support