Celebrity Lawyer Explains Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Divorce
Article Title:
Marjorie Taylor Greene's Husband No Longer Wants to Keep Divorce Private
Description: Celebrity lawyer Peter M. Walzer, who ranks as a best family law attorney in CA, discusses the celebrity divorce of Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and why her husband no longer wants to keep it private.

Publication: The Daily Beast
Publication Date: October 3, 2022
Journalist: Zachary Petrizzo
Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview: Celebrity Divorce
Legal Expert: Peter M. Walzer
Quote: “…Lawyers could be telling Perry Greene he’s fighting an uphill battle in sealing the matter or that he might get a ‘better deal by making it public’…I would say, he wants to get a better deal by saying, ‘Hey if you don’t do it my way, I will go to court and everybody will know about our private lives…’”
Complete Article: Celebrity Lawyer Explains Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Divorce