Financial Issues in Divorce

[Source: American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers]
Celebrity Divorce Lawyer Peter M. Walzer Authors a Chapter in Financial Issues in Divorce: A Client Handbook
AAML Fellows know that divorce is tricky in the best of times. As you are well aware, the added pressures during the pandemic have pushed many couples and co-parents to their breaking point. As they turn to you for help, guidance, and reassurance, what if you could just hand them ‘the book’ on divorce?
Thanks to a recent partnership with wealth manager Heather Locus, CPA, CFP®, CDFA®, and Balasa Dinverno Foltz LLC, a nationwide award-winning investment firm, we now have an excellent new resource for AAML Fellows to give to their clients. Financial Issues in Divorce: A Client Handbook is a guide for men and women who are just beginning or in the middle stages of the divorce process. It’s a roadmap for organizing the entire divorce journey from start to finish, from hiring their professional team through guidelines for the settlement and negotiation process. One of the advantages of this book over other divorce handbooks is that it combines the legal and financial point of view into an easy-to-read resource. It’s down-to-earth, realistic, and practical.
“Financial Issues in a Divorce provides people going through a divorce with a practical guide. It will help couples to keep their legal fees down and understand the legal process better. The book is full of graphs, charts, and checklists, which makes the information clear. This handbook takes the mystery out of divorce'” states top family law attorney Peter M. Walzer of acclaimed family law firm Walzer Melcher LLP, who authored one of the chapters.
Here’s what clients will get:
Legal, Financial, and Tax Planning Wisdom: Knowledge is power, and they will gain knowledge on what financial information to disclose (or look for), the impact of taxes, and long-term financial planning considerations.
Mistakes to Avoid: Divorces are fraught with emotions, even in amicable splits. Clients will learn how to make logical, rational decisions even when faced with emotional upheaval.
Worksheets: Clients can easily keep track of divorce priorities, meeting plans, and more.
Checklists: To help you have more productive meetings, they can customize their own organizational checklists on things to do, notes to bring up during meetings, reminders about what they’re fighting for and why, and more.
Divorce Glossary: A curated list of common divorce terminology so that every client is prepared and understands the process better.
This book, like anything, cannot replace the ongoing, trusted guidance of you as an AAML Fellow. Your clients will still rely on you to help them make decisions and guide their best interests during divorce. This book will reinforce your guidance so clients can be better prepared to ask more questions, approach discussions and negotiations in constructive ways, and help themselves stay a little more grounded during a tumultuous time.
Like all our AAML publications, Financial Issues in Divorce it perfect to share with clients to show you empathize with all they are going through and want to help them will all aspects of their divorce. Pricing starts at $15 for a single copy and there is bundled pricing for bulk orders. Click here for more information and to order.