Grimes and Mou: Spousal Support; Community Property; Appealability

In re Marriage of Grimes and Mou (Spousal Support; Community Property; Appealability)

California Court of Appeal, Sixth District

Published Opinion, (2020) 45 Cal.App.5th 406

File Date:
Filed 2/19/2020

Top family law attorney Christopher C. Melcher successfully handled this family law appeal for the husband. The wife claims she borrowed money from relatives in China to purchase a home during marriage and, when the spouses decided against purchasing a home, her relatives allowed her to hold the money for their benefit. The family court did not find that credible and ruled the loan proceeds were a community property asset and the repayment obligation a community debt. Spousal support (alimony) was set at a lower amount because the wife failed to make reasonable efforts to work after the separation. The appeal of the loan ruling was premature because a final judgment had not been entered. The Court of Appeal heard the appeal and affirmed the family court rulings.

Grimes and Mou 2-19-20