Taylor Swift’s Protection From Stalker Has Legal Limits

Article Title:

Taylor Swift's protection from stalker has legal 'limits' despite John Lennon tragedy years before

Description: Celebrity lawyer Christopher C. Melcher, who is ranked as a best family law attorney in California, explains why Taylor Swift‘s protection from her stalker has legal limits. 

Publication: Fox News

Publication Date: January 29, 2024

Journalist: Lauryn Overhultz

Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview:  Child Custody, Celebrity Divorce

Legal Expert: Christopher C. Melcher

Taylor Swift at Country Music Awards in 2008
Celebrity Lawyer Christopher C. Melcher, who is ranked as a best family law attorney in CA, explains why Taylor Swift's protection from her stalker has legal limits

Quote: “Taylor has done everything she can to remain safe, but there are limits to how long he (her stalker) can be held in custody,” said Los Angeles-based top family law attorney Christopher Melcher, who is a celebrity legal analyst.

“An emergency mental health admission or comprehensive psychiatric emergency admission is allowed under New York law, but those involuntary measures could also last for a short time,” Melcher said.