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Course Title: Evidentiary Challenges in Divorce Cases: From Writings and Photos to Text Messages and Social Media


This CLE course will provide family law counsel with approaches for defending the admissibility of evidence in divorce cases. The panel will discuss laying the foundation for exhibits, review authenticating and introducing different types of evidence, and identify ways to restrict evidence and testimony.

Knowledge of the intricacies of the rules of evidence is a must for family law practitioners to achieve a successful result in any contested court proceeding. Counsel must properly lay the foundation for and correctly introduce evidence in divorce cases. With personal information about parties available via an ever-expanding number of social networking sites and new methods of communication, counsel faces evolving demands.

Practitioners must utilize proper procedures for authenticating and admitting exhibits, from writings and photos to emails, text messages, websites, and social media. Counsel should develop practical approaches for restricting improper evidence, making proper objections, and setting forth offers of proof.

Listen as our panel of family law practitioners discusses best practices to prepare evidence for admission at trial and outlines strategies for restricting improper evidence. The panel will offer their insights into making proper objections and offers of proof.

Lecturer: Christina E. Djordjevich

Area of Legal Expertise: Evidence