Dr. Dre & Nicole Young’s Celebrity Divorce Explained
Article Title:
Dr. Dre, Nicole Young will likely 'want to put a bow' on divorce quickly, expert says 'They're...savvy"
Description: Julius Young interviewed celebrity divorce lawyer Peter M. Walzer regarding Dr. Dre and Nicole Young’s celebrity divorce. They married 24 years ago without a prenup and Dr. Dre is said to be worth $800 million.

Publication: Fox News
Published by: News Corp
Publication Date: July 8, 2020
Journalist: Julius Young
Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview:
Divorce, Celebrity Divorce, Community Property
Legal Expert: Peter M. Walzer
Quote: “Well, of course, anything he acquired before marriage is his separate property, with or without an agreement and sold Beats during the marriage and there doesn’t appear to be a separate component to it,” said high net worth family law attorney Peter M. Walzer. “So that’s a huge amount of money and it’s probably all community property. So she’s going to get half of what he’s worth,” he continued. “But the good news for Dr. Dre is she probably won’t need spousal support.”
Complete Article: Dr. Dre & Nicole Young’s High Net Worth Celebrity Divorce