What Happened to Damages Owed to OJ Simpson Victims?
Article Title:
What Happened to damages that O.J. Simpson owed to the victims' families?
Description: Celebrity lawyer Christopher C. Melcher, who is ranked as a best family law attorney in California, explains what happened to damages owed to OJ Simpson’s victims Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.
Publication: The New York Times
Publication Date: April 13, 2024
Journalist: Anna Betts
Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview: Wills, Estate, Probate
Legal Expert: Christopher C. Melcher

Quote: “…There are limits to how much of someone’s wages could be garnished in such a judgment because he denied having any sources of income or property from which the judgment could be collected,” said Los Angeles-based top family law attorney Christopher Melcher, who handles high-net-worth divorces in California.
“The judgment was really a debtor’s prison,” Melcher said. “It was to haunt him for the rest of his life, to keep him from ever having anything, making anything, without fearing that Fred Goldman would be right there to collect that dollar.”
Complete Article: What Happened to Damages Owed to OJ Simpson Victims
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