Why Harry & Meghan Have Less Privacy in U.S.

Article Title:

"Why Harry and Meghan's Privacy is Even Less Protected in the US"

Description: Bernadette Roe interviewed international family law attorney Christopher C. Melcher regarding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s privacy and protection in the United States.
Prince Harry & Meghan Markle smiling in a crowd being photographed to indicate they Have Less Privacy in U.S.
International family law attorney Christopher C. Melcher explains Why Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Have Less Privacy in U.S.
Publication: Nicki Swift
Publication Date: February 26, 2021
Journalist: Bernadette Roe

Area(s) of Legal Expertise needed for interview: Privacy

Legal Expert: Christopher C. Melcher

Quote: “An English court can prohibit the publication of information about a child. This is not the case in America.”
Celebrity divorce lawyer Christopher C. Melcher continues, “The law in the U.S. is opposite. Our Constitution rejects governmental interference with the press, giving the media the right to publish information subject to few restrictions. Public figures have almost no protection under U.S. law from unflattering stories. Markle and Harry will not have the protections they did in England. They could be subject to more exposure and scrutiny in California than could exist in England.”

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